Finally, after months of battling
with Aslan to take his tablets for his wonky shoulders, his old style ones are back in stock. The
vets’ have been waiting for months for the arrival of these tablets. I too have been waiting months for the
tablets to arrive. I’ve been given the
same medication produced by a different pharmaceutical company in place of the
Caprieve but getting these into my beautiful boy has been, as Tigger would say,
The Caprieve are very small and
easily hidden in a bit of cheese. It’s also possible they taste better
than the replacement tablets, but I’m not about to test that theory out for
myself. When I first started medicating
Aslan I tried various disguises for the tablets. I tried tinned dog food – Aslan delicately
ate around the tablets and left them sitting forlornly in the bottom of his
food bowl. I tried making a raw meatball
with the tablets at the centre with the same results. Then I tried two pieces of cheese with the
tablets hidden in the centre and finally found the ideal delivery system to get
tablets into Aslan.
From the time Aslan had his first
dose of the Caprieve/cheese combination I had no problems with him gulping down
the tablet loaded cheese as soon as it was in his mouth. The replacement
ones I was given are considerably larger and Aslan can tell when there are any in
his cheese - damn his doggy heightened sense of smell. He always takes the
cheese (usually with a put upon look on his face) and acts as if all is going
to be well this time; he adopts an innocent look on his face and awaits his
chance to deposit the cheese and tablets on the floor, but I've learned my
lesson. I know that it's a ruse and he will spit out the cheese as soon as I
turn my back. Some days his tongue was very dexterous and Aslan managed to
spit out the cheese with the tablets embedded in them and eat the other, tablet
free, piece of cheese. So, I now pop the
cheese laden tablet into his mouth, quickly put my hand under his chin and then
we wait it out. Aslan looks at me and I look at Aslan and we see who
gives in first. I'm at a disadvantage because I'm usually bent over
holding Aslan's chin while he reclines gracefully on the floor. Drool is
involved of course. Graeme told me to put my hand over his nose to make
him swallow before trying to take a breath - a trick a vet showed us many years ago for another dog who resisted tablet taking. This has worked for other
dogs I’ve owned in the past but these dogs were Kelpies or Labradors or the
like. I pointed out to Graeme that with Aslan’s
acres of jowls he can suck air in from the sides of his mouth for as long as he
likes and it would take a larger number of hands than I have to cover the
entire mouth area of a Saint Bernard.
holding his chin to stop him spitting the tablets and cheese on the floor I try
rubbing his throat, talking encouragingly to him, pointing out he's never won a
cheese and tablet battle yet and that he'll feel a lot better once the tablets
are down. Aslan just looks at me with his long suffering expression
firmly in place and refuses to believe that he will never win this battle -
maybe, he seems to be thinking, today could be that day. Eventually Aslan
will roll his eyes, heave a sigh of resignation and swallow the dratted
tablets. He pokes his massive tongue out as proof the tablets have gone
down and I can now get back to my life. I try to be a good sport and not crow
over yet another win in the Aslan/tablet battle, tell him he’s a good boy and
give him a pat and a tablet free piece of cheese so he has a reward for doing
the right thing. He knows there's no tablets in this one so takes the
cheese quickly and gulps it down.
this isn't taking part in a calm and casual way. You have to remember
that I also have Cleo up close and personal and Cleo loves both cheese and
attention and in her opinion, despite the fact that she's already eaten the
cheese I gave her when I came out to start this whole tablet giving process, Aslan
is getting far too much of both. She buzzes around the perimeter of the
battle of wills area, nudging my hand to remind me there is more cheese there
and she's perfectly willing to take it off my hands or pushes her face into
mine in case I haven’t noticed she’s there. Aslan usually gets a gentle
butt in the head to encourage him to get it all over with so Cleo can get her
cheese and pats, and of course, more drool is involved. Now that the
smaller, Aslan acceptable, tablets are here Aslan should just go back to
swallowing the cheese as soon as he's given it.
I say “should”, but knowing my
puppies I'm not that confident.