Thursday, November 24, 2011

Billy's Advice

I've had a few friends feeling under the weather lately.  Billy likes to send them a get well message and this advice.  So for anyone out there feeling less than 100% here is Billy's message for you.


Jenny said...

Billy certainly leads a "stress free" life, and his advice is excellent!

Banaghaisge said...

He forgot the drool...
And lucky Billy sleeping on his right side. I can't do that any more (the cyst is about 2L in volume and sitting right at the top of my liver, thereby squashing my lung - and aorta, and I run out of breaths.). I will be back at 100mph when I get over this. I hope. Maybe I need a splash of drool...
Hugs, xxxx

Ozjane said...

Congratulations Billy. How did you actually get that Mummy and the camera and you together
Oh dear...Moggie said that. I would never say a thing like that.
Poor Moggie is confused. There is a white tree that stayed up all last night with no baubles. Then a gold tree went up and today baubles went on the gold tree.....Oh fun. And blue ones are going on the white tree and wicked Mummy succumbed to a Target reduction and now there is a silver tree in the back room window. That is where last years red baubles from the white tree are going. Mummy is all baubled out and Mogs is just confused.
So Billy she needed you.

marianne r said...

you go billy, just my thoughts exactly but it doesn't always happen that way

Threeundertwo said...

Clearly Billy doesn't have to drive the carpool today. Still, excellent advice.

(go rub that tummy for me!)